As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005


This will be a short one.
I am still playing catch up- clean up
I swear these dogs have brought more dirt in that when we
were living at Camp Linda in Greenbrier.
Glad that is over and we are back to civilization-I am
not cut out to be a farm girl.. Just not my style.
Today I did some un-shopping. I gathered up all
of the "doesn't fit- don't like it - it does not work" items
from wally world and returned them. Got a credit of $63
I was falling into that - I'll take it back next trip rut and
never seemed to remember the bags when I left the
house. So today was officially
Un-Shopping Day.
It also seems to stun them when I take my canvas shopping
bags and tell them to fill them first and then put the rest in
plastic bags. No, I'm not a freak, I am not a tree hugger,
I just want to help a little by not bringing all of those
plastic bags home, just for them to end up in a landfill.
So any of you that have unused canvas grocery bag
(Right now I have one from Albertsons and one from Cruises Inc)
send them to me . I will put them to good use.
It will be a good day when I can go grocery shopping
and NOT bring home one plastic or paper bag.
More tomorrow


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