Baby Jack at 4 months
I am a BIG BOY NOW !!

Look at all of this cool
stuff to hit, rattle and lick !!!

Serena just sent these to me .
Our baby boy is getting soooooo big.
Look at him in his high chair for the 1st time !!
Now for the other good news..
We have a contract on the Greenbrier house.. I
am not saying anything else about it . I do not want
to jinx it .
Tomorrow will be a busy day.
In the morning I go to Greenbrier- AGAIN
Then back to North Little Rock for the promotion ceremony
at the Fire Dept.. Then back home to change clothes
again and then back to North Little Rock
for the paddle wheeler dinner cruise. Sometime during
the day I need to find time to go water walking
and make an appointment to get the termite guy out to
the Greenbrier house and get it sprayed.
It is a law here.
But other than that , I have nothing to do tomorrow.
Keep your fingers crossed for us that all goes well.
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