As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My house is empty

Serena, Jack & John left this morning
Tom drove them to the airport- I stayed home , because I don't
know if I could have let go of them.
It was so good to have them here, and I don't know
when I have laughed so much. Not just at Jack, because there were times
that Serena and I were in tears laughing at one thing or another..
It was a good visit .
Jack may be all boy, but he is still a baby and needs
lots of love and hugs and careful handling.
He is so sweet, and I love that tender baby skin.
HE is doing so many things , but is still learning
to control his spine snd neck. Fun to watch , also sooo scary
knowing how fragile he still is .
So that is it for now ..........
Oh, one more thing
Keep your fingers crossed that their house sells soon.
The sooner it sells , the sooner they will be back.


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