Maa's Visit to Colorado May 2013
I went to Colorado because somebody needed to
take Jack out for fun !!!
It was hard to get pictures of Jack alone because there
were 3 little girls that would not leave him alone !!!
I thought I was going to have to go
Bridgeport on them so he could play!
One morning we had ice cream for breakfast,
then we went out.
We were using Auntie Karen's car and we got lost
and found this park. It was really for little kids
but I had fun anyway.
This was a cool digger !!!
My Maa says I am almost to big for this .
I have to agree!!
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When my Maa got here , she had my luggage treat ,
(she always does), but this time my Pa had sent me a toy.
It was made of foam and it looked EXACTLY like a
bottle of oil for Mom's car! But it was really a TOY !!
Can ya believe it ?!?!?!
Click on the picture below and you can see a
picture of it in my hand
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My Maa says I am like a mountain goat.
Always climbing
These climbing things were cool. As you try to get from one to the
next one , they spin a little . I made it all the way across!!
On the way home from the park we stopped
at Dairy Queen.
Maa had ice cream with Hot fudge
and I had the Green Drink.
Later that night we met Maa's friend Becky
and Becky's son Logan at
Santiago's for dinner .
I had 2 bowls of beans , then cheese on the beans and then rice
on top of the cheese and an extra bowl of chips.
Logan is cool and we talked about games while
Maa and Becky talked about "girl stuff"
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It was a cool cool day with my Maa !!!!
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