a bad day that got better
So for those that don't know ,
while we were in Joliet for Michael and Sherri
wedding I caught some weird
bug.. Go figure ..
Me catching something ...
As slow as I move I am thinking it
must have caught me ..
So after sleeping in the recliner for 3 nights in
a row I called the doctor today.
* * * *
After getting a chest xray I now know that
I DO NOT have pneumonia again,
I do have a cold PLUS a URI
since the chest xray show something a little strange
in the heart area (Yes smart ass- I do have a heart)
now I have to go have a heart ultrasound
done next week. Can't do it this week, because when
I lay done I cough and cough and cough--
so now you know why I have
been sleeping in the recliner.
I ended up with 2 shots, one in each cheek
and 2 prescriptions.. OH JOY !!!
Now for the good stuff!!
I had sopapilla cheesecake
( that I made yesterday)
before dinner!!!
<> <> <> <>
And it is GOooooood
Then we went to Alltel Arena to see
Celtic Thunder perform..
* * * * *
What a show!!!
The 20 min climb up the stairs to the arena
was worth it to hear them do Mull of Kintrye,
Danny Boy , Caldeonia and last but not least
Irelands Call.
Tom got the cd for me -- Now I can hear
these songs when I want to ..
Thank you sweetie !!!
**** **** **** ****
Tomorrow I will post photos from the wedding
and fill you in the Illinois feeding frenzy.
And Even after all of the goodies,
I have lost 2#.. But 2# on me is like
a grain of sand in the grand canyon.
I mean it will take a long long time for
anybody to notice it ..
>< >< >< ><
Oh well- it made me smile for a
split second...
Mr & Mrs Michael Wellwerts

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