B 12
I think maybe the B-12 shots are actually working ..

*** *** ***
I have been feeling pretty upbeat the past few
days and even have some energy.
So far today , I have done a load of laundry ,
loaded the dishwasher, HAND WASHED a sink
full of stuff that cannot go in the dishwasher.
I have also found the top of my beading / craft
table .. O M G !!! I have not seen that since
last November. Also sorted and tagged
some Christmas gifts and even put a note
in the computer so I will know where they are when
it is time to box and wrap them . OMG !!
What a concept !!!! And for the finale ""
I cleaned the guest bathroom.
I wonder if I can get the doctor to okay the shots once
a week forever ??? I have not felt this good in
probably 6 years ..
I have had the shots 5 days in a row -- Now
I am down to once a week. We will see
if the energy level stays up.
In case you are wondering , he started me on
the shots due to anemia. (again)
Wow, you go girl!
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