Weekend Things
It is STILL hot in Arkansas
We were invited and attended a birthday party
for the wife on one of the firefighters that lives in the area..
They even had a parade for her -- Drove her
around the area with the sunroof open on the BMW
and her throwing necklaces and candy to the
parade watchers..Ahhh memories of Mardi Gras. Of
course she had on the "50" banner and her tiara.
The lead car was followed
by the 2 hearses...One black and one white.
After the parade , the party move to their house..
Tons of food and beverages and live music.
YES, it was still H O T!!!!
(I feel left out- I have not had a
birthday party since I was 21-which was not a good
one - since then my boss realized I was not 21 when he had
hired me 2 years earlier. LONG STORY.)
I sat inside for a while trying to hide from the
heat and bugs, but since I did not know
anybody inside, I sucked it up and
wandered out to the back yard.
Much more fun out there , even if it was still
95 degrees at 9:30pm.
Finally, people with humor and that actually
talked. I sucked up my bottle of
wine pretty fast.. That was just because I
wanted to put my foot in the cooler with the ice.
Thankfully Tucker remembered to bring bug juice--
No you moron - that is not a drink-
it is an actual product to help keep the bugs away.
I cannot afford to be a buffet for local flesh eating
critters if I am going to keep my appointment at
the surgical hospital in 4 weeks.
It was good to get out -- even if it was hotter that
Death Valley only with humidity.
I am REALLY needing to get away from here for a while .
Can you tell??? Can you hear me whining with the
air conditioners running at MAX??

Maybe it is time to start researching a
One that does not involve
his work, but does involve , hotels ,beaches,
mountains or cruise ship and
planning actual activities for us.
I miss doing travel, at least that way I got to plan
wonderful vacations, even if I didn't get to participate

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