Christmas Day 2010
I cannot believe this boy does not wake up at
5a.m. on Christmas morning
His mother used to wake us up before sunrise !!
Not Fair !!!!
Pa, Jack & Buddy
* * * * *
Okay, Lets get this started.
* * * *
Let the shredding begin !!!

Okay, Lets get this started.

Let the shredding begin !!!

This is Pa's Christmas present from
all of us .
Merry Christmas Pa !!!
Let's see whats in here..

Another big box with my name on it
* * * *
(This is from my Maa & Pa)
This is the exact airport that I showed to Ma
when we went to Target

Another big box with my name on it
Thanks Mom & Dad
I really really wanted this too.

Let me show you how to use this
Okay, I HAVE to open this NOW !!!
Me and my Mom sit on a sheet to do this ,
that way she does not lose any of the parts
Pa with his loaded NERF dart guns ,
Jack trying to slow him down
in the kitchen. Really , it is not somebody
trying to steal the cookies.
Che bello il vostro camper. e che belli i tuoi cuccioli.
What a nice blog !!...
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Thank You
I have 6 children of my own. Theses family photos are beautiful! Its really up lifting to see such a bizzy little bee. :) God Bless and Will return soon.
Check out how my life has been...from the beginning to now.
parabéns pelo blog,meu amigo
This IS a really nice blog! I really like it! =D
God bless!
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