As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Saturday, March 29, 2008

(This is a combination of 2 emails from a friend)
(Randy is Cynthia's son)
So, do you celebrate the 12 holy days of your birthday?
I didn’t realize you reached a milestone, as well….Congratulations! Looks like you’ve done some pretty cool things so far, which is more than a lot of other people can say. Life is short – gotta make the most of our time while we’re here!

I enjoyed reading all the great adventures you’ve done! And here’s to another 25 years of them!!

My reply to Randy:
.. My life has been so full that it takes many many
days to commemorate each and every
outstanding achievement .

Never thought I'd make it this far. I turned 60 years young
yesterday .. I have lived thru ear bleeding concerts
during the 60's and 70's ..
Taken motorcycle trips to Canada & Mexico . Was in high
school history class when it was announced that
Kennedy had been shot, Been married ( way to young- 19),
given birth, divorced.
I have been to the ballet and to the symphony and
I have tended bar in some seedy places.
I have loved and hated , I have danced and
traveled,met famous people
and yet there is soooo much more to do..
I have learned to use a handgun and I have taken
a high dive into the pool in an evening gown. I have
been to Disneyland and DisneyWorld and every amusement
park in between. I have picked oranges to pay my bills and
I have mucked out stalls to make money to make my car
payment when I lost my paycheck at the race track ..
I have been to Nascar races and the Kentucky Derby,
Mardi Gras and ChicagoFest -
I am also a Maamaw now , but I'll have many
more adventures.. I drove across the USA in a
66 yellow mustang, I have been so broke that my utilities
were turned off and managed to work enough odd
jobs Plus my regular job to have them turned
back on..
I have lived in a commune and I have visited churches of
many many denominations. I have attended funerals for
both parents , grandparents and many other family
members and the funerals of too many friends..
I have had the same best friends for more than
35 years and consider myself a lucky woman..
I also remarried and have found out what is feels like
to have a forever partner , a man that has stood
by me and even learned to shave my legs and armpits
when I could not do it after a life threatening accident.
Yes, I am looking forward to at least
another 25 years of adventures.


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