This will be a long drawn out tale of the trip.
To many photos to post at once
* * * * * *
We had a special treat-- John knew somebody that
got us set up for a behind the scenes tour at
Walt Disney Animal Kingdom
These are some of the photos that we took while waiting
for the tour person to show up
I "think" her name is Mori
* * * * *
Serena & Jack in front of RainForest Cafe
Same place - different pose

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This is the necklace that Jack made
( with help from Maa) for his Mom
for mothers day.
I gave him 3 bags of beads and he chose the beads and the
order they went in and then he strung them and I
put a toggle on it ..It took him about 45 min
to make this .
Serena wore it to work and while we were at Disny.

More later today
** * * * * * * **
On a sadder note , my Uncle Dave passed away
while we were in Florida.
He will be cremated