As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New and much improved bedroom

Yes, We finally got it all together

Yes, I know I need to replace the
rust colored roman shades.
When I get more $$$ I will replace them.

* * * * * *

* * * * * * * * *

I need a couple more dust catchers
to put on these shelves and also for the
shadow box on the other wall.

* * * * * *

The rocker in a family antique and I
refuse to part with it .

You can't sit in it , but my mother and
grandmother both loved this chair .

* * * * * *

For those that believe

I have 5 visitors

* * * * * *

Maybe I should have shut the closet door ... Oops ...

* * * * *

New candle holders in our bathroom.
This will be the next room to get painted

* * * * *
Yesterday we took 3 bags of clothing and misc
crap to Goodwill. Yes, it all came out of
our bedroom.
Next declutter project --

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday Dear Jack

We love you THIS MUCH
Maa & Pa

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jack's Birthday Cupcakes

Serena made these cupcakes for Jack's
birthday party at school
They are absolutely adorable !!!!
I love the little tedyy bears tucked in under the blankets !!!

Great Job Serena !!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another sleepless Night

Here we go again

I have had 2 pain killers and am still wide awake at 5am.

No I did not take a nap yesterday


I hate when I get like this ...

It is going to be a very long weekend ..

* * *

Since I am wide awake , I will post some pictures
While Serena was working yesterday
John & Jack
* * * *

My Dad brought me to the river today

We were throwing rock, and I can throw

really really far

and I can make a splash with the rocks


Dad showed me algae.

It is slimy

I like doing guy stuff with my Dad


Tonight when Maa& Pa called, we had a good conversation

and when Maa asked if Mom was home , I told her No

Mom is in at San Diego

(He did this with no prompting from Dad)

John later told me that they had been looking at maps today

and he showed Jack where Serena was on her trip.

Pretty impressive that several hours later he remembered


Friday, January 16, 2009

More Bullshit

The U.S. government extended $20 billion of new aid to
Bank of America Corp hours before both the largest U.S. bank,
and the country's third largest, Citigroup, reported
multibillion-dollar losses from the ongoing global credit crisis.
* * * * * *
THEY loaned money to people to buy houses and
businesses and they knew the people could NEVER
pay back.
Yet our tax dollars are bailing out this so called
banking professionals .
Why is it we pay our bills , pay our mortgage etc and yet
the banks are getting bailed out for making
bad business decisions??
PLUS people that can't
make their mortgage payments on a house that they
should have never qualified fo the loan are also being bailed out

North Little Rock

Earlier this week , Tom came home from work and told me
that the old feed mill in North Little Rock was being demolished.
* *
He said that they were not having a lot of luck bringing the
building down. I asked him to take me to see the "demolition.
As we approached the building this is what I saw.
(Click on pictures for larger view)
Keep in mind , these were taken about 5:30 pm and this "crew"
had been working on this project ALL DAY !!
( Why wasn't all of the crap removed
from the top ofthis building before this
project was started??)

* * * * * * * *

A telephoto shot of the back side of the building.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I don't think I would leave my shiny
new truck sitting this close to this mess.

* * * * * * *

The last picture (from the front again) at
6pm. They gave it up and went home for the night.
The scariest thing was the guys walking UNDER the leaning
building , and then a while later we saw somebody
walking around INSIDE of this accident
waiting to happen.
I am thinking tha name of the company is
"Bubba and my brother darrel and my
other brother darrel de mo lish un company"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

$ $ $ $ $

If the price of crude oil is still falling
WHY are gas prices going up ????

Now What ???

I feel like my days and nights are switched ...
I am usually awake by 8 or 8:30am,
but lately , I cannot fall asleep before 2AM
Today I went shopping , hit 4 stores plus did some
laundry, played dogs out , dogs in as always .
Then when Tom got home , we went shopping
AGAIN. This time trying to find tiles for kitchen backsplash.
So that was another 2 stores , then we went to Irianan's
in Little Rock for pizza.
Here I am at 12:30 and I am wide awake,
not a yawn to be heard.. I have tried reading-
no help- took a sleeping pill, it must have got lost
because I am NOT sleepy. I have played online
canasta for the last hour because I don't want to make
any noise and wake Tom. Now what am I going to do??
Supposed to be frigid tonight .. Something like
12 degrees.. Jeez this is Arkansas not Illinois.
* * * *
The good thing is , Smokey is loving it .
This is his kind of weather , so he is a very happy
fur baby right now .. I just looked out in the back yard
and he is laying on his back feet up in the air and he is
tooo funny !!!!
* * * *
Oh well enough rambling
I guess I'll start another book. I am going to
have to go to the library tomorrow . I am out of
books to read again.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What States charge in sales tax..

What States Do You Do Business In?
STATES WITH NO SALES TAX: Delaware, Montana,
New Hampshire, Oregon.
Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan,
Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island,
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia.
WELL AS COUNTIES: Florida, Hawaii*, Nevada,
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico,
New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah.
* = Technically they have a Excise Tax, not a Sales Tax.

Monday, January 05, 2009

It's official !!!

You are looking at the bedroom set we bought ..
with the exception of the chest-- we got the 5 drawer chest
and 2 nightstands ..
This is the 1st set we have EVER had ..
OMG -- it all matches and everything ..
It will be delivered sometime between Jan 19 and Jan 29..

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sunday - more photos

I needed a break -- I have been on a search and dispose of mission
for about a week.. today I started on the "Laundry Room"
What a freaking mess-- there is so much crap in there that
I have no room to fold clothes when I take them out of the dryer ..
If it is on the counter and does not belong there-- it is headed for the
B I G trash can .

Since I have done this to the computer room and the closet in the
computer room Tom decided it was time for him to
start cleaRing out a bunch of junk in his computer room.
Maybe by June we will actually have gotten
rid of all of the useless crap and dust catchers.


Life was easier before knick knacks and crap hanging on the walls.
Back to the BASICS

Now for some more pictures....



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Saturday, January 03, 2009

FINALLY !!! Christmas pictures

Christmas morning , as Jack was coming downstairs
we could hear Santas Jingle Bells .
but Santa flew up the chimney before Jack could get
to the fireplace..

Santa dropped his bag and this is what Jack found ..
(click on photos for larger view )
That's right !!

A big shiny red fire truck !!!

Jack & Serena
Just getting started


The stack keeps getting bigger and bigger !!



OH WOW !!!!


Still not done !!!!


More later

This is the best haircut I have ever had ..
So easy --- wash & go Linda

Thursday, January 01, 2009

More Christmas Card Photos

Ian , Parker & Beth
Mike & Sherri's Boys
Bryce , Tyler & Nathan

<> <> <> <>


* * * * * * * * * * *
The Tucker Family

Rachel & Ryan
Josh & Sue's kids

* * * * * * * * *
Tomorrow I will unload my camera
and see what Christmas photos we have
from Texas ..


Jack's vocabulary is growing in leaps and bounds
Some holiday examples
I went into ULTA to get another bottle of
Prime time and I also picked up a couple of tubes of flavored
chap stick like lip balm.
I opened the Hot Chocolate flavored one and gave it to Jack
from the back seat--all i heard was
So much for flavored chap stick
Then one evening Jack was palying around under Serena's peasant
type skirt. (He acts like it is his personal tent)
He pats her on the butt -- then gives her a quick kiss
and then for his finale` -- he starts slapping her
on the butt saying
Maybe an anatomy lesson is in order ??
Ahhh the story of Maa Juice
for those that do not know-
Jack calls the Sierra Mist that I drink "Maa Juice"
Well one evening he is in the kitchen with Serena and
I am in the living room and
this is what I hear.
Mom, can I have some Maa juice??
in a min- when I get done here
I said , when I am done
MA--I want maa juice
can i have maa juice now ?
Jack, Please give me a minute to finish the dishes
This went on for about another 10 exchanges of this conversation
Serena finally finishes what she was doing and gets
a glass to pour him so maa juice.
He looks at her and asks
What are you doing ???
she replies, getting your maa juice
he says to her
Oh I forgot !!

re: blog changes

Just a few of the replies when I was thinking about making the
blog private and then decided not to change a thing about MY BLOG
respected your opinion even though it is different then mine
at times. If they really knew you they wouldn't be so dam defensive.
I love you, I am glad you are doing better
And I hope you have a happy and healthy new year!!
P.S. I enjoy all of your blogs!!!

LINDA!!!!You didn't send the linky thingy
Thank you.
Karen Hon

Hey Lady,
Loved the blog today!!!!! Anybody who knows you AT ALL
better love and respect your honesty. If not, they aren't worthy!!!
Behind you ALL THE WAY!
Love Ya,Beck
Glad you decided to keep YOUR blog as it is. It’s good we all have
varying opinions and we should all have the right to maintain and
express them, not stomp on someone else’s that doesn’t match.
Sandy H.