As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Monday, November 21, 2005

Things are going pretty well.
Foster & Smokey are still not thrilled about another "baby" in the house.
The weather is cool- so they are staying outsideand right now are going thru the ignoring each other phase.
They will get over it.
With the weather being cool- I stay in more. It makes my body ache. SURPRISE !! Next week I will try water
walking again- and hope for fewer people in the pool.It was to crowded to walk the last time. What a pain..I can do baby steps at home-- I need to learn to stride again,and that won't happen in a pool that is overcrowded.
It is almost Turkey day, Toms family is in from Illinois.
They stay at the farm and they will all do dinner out there.
I DON'T HAVE TO COOK or clean up after dinner this year.
Kenda invited us to have dinner with her family at her
house. I am sure the guys will have to have an XBOX
hour or two- but that is okay.
I have been scanning pictures of our 1990 trip
to Hawaii with Mom. Lots of memories ........
I am glad she finally got to see Hawaii-
It is rough without her - but the holidays are
really rough. I am going to end this before I have
myself in tears again.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Meet Buddy
He is the latest addition to our puppy seed farm.
This is one of the dogs that I told you about that belonged to Bevo.
Somebody took the 7 year old chow chow and we have
adopted Buddy.
He is a very sweet small mixed (very mixed) breed. Of course
Foster and Smokey are not very happy right now
but they will get over it . They are already ALL
settling in. Buddy is in the computer room with me
and seems very content. He should be - he has a full belly
and his own blanket. Tomorrow he will get a shirt(collar).

Friday, November 18, 2005

Shame on his family

It looks like our house will be a little more crowded
Since nobody from Bevo's family or
any of his co-workers will step up and take his
2 dogs - Tom and I have talked it over and
we cannot let these fur babies go to the pound.
These were his babies and they deserve better.
They should not be punished because their
"boss" died.
It will be a strain on our yard and on our
checkbook- (we will have to pay to board 4 dogs when we
go to Florida for the birth of our Grandson)
but these fur babies deserve better
than death .
We will go meet them soon and if they are not aggressive,
and can bond- we will take them in.
Shame on this mans family for not having
the heart to take something that he loved so much.
I will let you know what happens after the meeting...

Thursday, November 17, 2005


This will be a short one.
I am still playing catch up- clean up
I swear these dogs have brought more dirt in that when we
were living at Camp Linda in Greenbrier.
Glad that is over and we are back to civilization-I am
not cut out to be a farm girl.. Just not my style.
Today I did some un-shopping. I gathered up all
of the "doesn't fit- don't like it - it does not work" items
from wally world and returned them. Got a credit of $63
I was falling into that - I'll take it back next trip rut and
never seemed to remember the bags when I left the
house. So today was officially
Un-Shopping Day.
It also seems to stun them when I take my canvas shopping
bags and tell them to fill them first and then put the rest in
plastic bags. No, I'm not a freak, I am not a tree hugger,
I just want to help a little by not bringing all of those
plastic bags home, just for them to end up in a landfill.
So any of you that have unused canvas grocery bag
(Right now I have one from Albertsons and one from Cruises Inc)
send them to me . I will put them to good use.
It will be a good day when I can go grocery shopping
and NOT bring home one plastic or paper bag.
More tomorrow

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oh what the heck...

A few more photos....
This time I am really going to quit for tonight

Baby shower - Nov. 9, 2005

The nursery will need to be reorganized.
She has plenty of time - he is not due until January 26,2006

I'm finally home !!

I went to Florida for the
baby shower for Serena & John.
They are truly blessed with wonderful and very generous friends.
We (Serena & I) went out for brunch and shopping and her friends
decorated the house and prepared the food.
What a great day, perfect weather and a wonderful time was had by all.
Baby Boy Hester has everything he needs-- well almost everything.
There is always something that is not remembered until it is needed-
but that does not happen only for the first born.
I will post more pictures tomorrow. I am still trying to catch up
on sleep and laundry.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Day of the Dead

Some interesting pictures and a history of this Mexican Holiday...
Los Dias de Los Muertos is a time for remembering friends, family and ancestors. A lovely tradition that resonates with the center of the belief was retold on the website by Victor Landa, from San Antonio, TX.
Landa quotes the legend,
"In our tradition, people die three deaths. The first death is when our bodies cease to function; when our hearts no longer beat of their own accord, when our gaze no longer has depth or weight, when the space we occupy slowly loses its meaning.
The second death comes when the body is lowered into the ground, returned to mother earth, out of sight.
The third death, the most definitive death, is when there is no one left alive to remember us."


Time to start your Christmas Shopping.
If you start today , that gives you 54 days to buy it , wrap it
and maybe ship it .
I have some done - but not enough.
Tom will be easy this year .
He wants a table saw and a few of us are going to chip
in and get him "The Big Gift".
Got a scanner FINALLY-- Suprise-- it does not work.
Tom spent 3 hours on the phone with tech support last
night ,and still no scanner. So that means the dining room
table and the kitchen counter are still covered with pictures
that I want to scan before I give them away.
I am going to quit doing daily emails and just post my
ramblings here-- so if you want to know what is new and
exciting - you better start checking here for the latest updates.