As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Monday, April 30, 2012

More from April 2012

 These are the planters on our front porch
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We were going to take a ride to DeGray lake and this
is how much we paid for gas  on 4/29/2012
(Less another 10 cents because we used their credit card)
. . . . . .
Lettuce growing in the planter that Tom built for me.
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Photos are out of order
Deal with it  

= = = =

April 21, 2012

I will try to insert more photos after I get them
loaded and cropped.

Tom & Tucker
Just waiting to see who will need to be pulled out
of the mud
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 Mitch Maynard riding a kids 4 wheeler  thru the mud

 Jerry Robinson  & Karen
This was her 1st mud adventure
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Mitch & Karyn Maynard
Mitch riding sidesaddle like  a girl
Yes, there is a 4 wheeler behind that wall of mud

Mitch and Faith
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At one point duringthe day . Mitch was riding out in the
field ona tiny tiny motorcycle.
The grass was so tall you could not see the bike
so it looked like he was floaring thru the field.
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Jack showing the latest sport
Aquatic Golf .
This is how a day of golfing with Dad ended.


Pa and Jack
Peabody Park

Sunday, April 22, 2012

For our other kid - Happy Birthday

                            For our sweet , crazy wild child Marc
                                   also known as Superman 
                          Marc Wane , The toilet paper king
Yes, I know this is early for your birthday,
but you have been on my mind that past week.

Just want you to know that Ian is a good kid and
his cousin Jack loves him so much
Ian looks so much like you and also has that wicked
sense of humor.. I gave the the Gahan Wilson book
that you always loved and he has already found
some favorites in it .

Know that he is loved , just like you are .


Friday, April 20, 2012

March 2012

Serena was having truck issues , so we drove to Illinois
so Tom could take his tools to hopefully fix the sick vehicle.
But 1st--
a picture of Jack playing Bubble Brew.

YES, the is the inside of her truck
after Tom pulled it apart.



While we were there , we took Jack to
the fair at the school.
Unfortunately , I did not get a picture of
that is what Jack named the goldfish he won.
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I will finish this later

Okay here is More March

March 28, 2012
Today we went to the Memphis Zoo.
I must admit , I was a little disappointed.
Don't get me wrong ,
the zoo is beautiful, well kept ,
beautiful habitat for the animals,
 but it is small.
Of course we had to take the
pictures with the flamingos
We all know how much Tom "loves" them.
     He was a very good sport about it !!

This is artwork that was done by students
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Some of the beautiful homes around the zoo

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When we heard Serena & Jack were coming for a few days
we went looking for a campground close to home.
This is Woolly Hollow State Park
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Well it is almost time for Tom to get home ,
so I guess I should get dressed.
Don't want to be sitting here wearingthe
 same nightshirt I was wearing when
 he left this morning.....