As Time Goes By.....
A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This is my blog and I will write whatever the hell I want to
It does not have to politically correct and it does not have
to agree with what YOU think is right.
Opinions are like assholes,
Everybody has one
so if you don't like my writings,
DON'T read my blog.
I have never been accused of being a follower and
if I don't like something , then I will
write about it here. Once again, if you
don't like what I have to say
If I like something , you will also find that here,
mixed in with all of the other things on this blog
This is my blog, and my queendom.
I don't give a rat's ass what you like or
do not like
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas is over and it was a good one
This is the 1st year that Jack understands Santa ..
We made cookies for Santa , but I think that will be
a better project for next year.
Oh well , it was still fun !!!
I have pictures , but am to tired to mess
with them today.
John had to work Christams Day ,but had a late check
in so he was there for all of the Christmas morning
FUN !!!
The gift opening was quite a project!!
Jack would open a gift, then want to play with it .
It took some talking and coaxing to get him to
move on to the next gift.. Gifts were stacked
up taller than him !! Tooo FUN !!
Santa (aka Dad) did managed to get the
most wanted gift . Harvey the engine from Thomas the
Train. Quite a gift considering they are out of production.
Ebay is a good thing !!!
Jack is talking sooooooo much more
and his vocabulary is growing in leaps and bounds .
PLUS , now he can do some math
1+1 = 2
1+2 and 2+2..
Pretty good for a boy that will not
be 3 until the end of next month.
John is working on the math thing with him
Jack is sooo lucky to have
wonderful patient parents.
Of course I came home with a cold or sinus infection,
won't be sure what it is until I see the doctor .
Thanks to Tucker for taking care of the fur babies,
so that we could enjoy Christmas with
Jack, Serena & John
Serena had friends over Christmas night
and it was nice to sit and talk and laugh.
They have made some interesting friends since
moving to Texas.
This is it for tonight .. I need to
get another load of laundry in and
then hopefully some sleep.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Creegan's Pub in North Little Rock
We were there last night .
But will NEVER set foot in that place again
The St James roast beef sandwich would be better off replaced
with an Arby's beef sandwich. It was dry and leathery.
The waitress informed me that the plate was hot.. To bad
the onion rings were not .. That plate sat under
a heat lamp for a long time to get that hot .
Creegan's would benefit from hiring an expediter during
the busy season.
SERVICE : a joke !!
SERVICE : a joke !!
Waitress comes into (private room) holding food ,
yelling "WHO GETS" whatever the food was.
Lack of training on the managements part.
One bottle of Birra Moretti ( beer) $5-give me a break.
PLUS the beer was not very cold.
This disaster of an evening $50 plus 20% gratuity
That was for potato pancake appetizer,fish & chips, the make believe
beef sandwich and cold onion rings and 3 beers and a coke
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Have the buyers for clothing stores lost all
common sense???
common sense???
For over a month I have been trying to buy a
long sleeve sweater .. Every damned sweater has
short or 3/4 sleeves..
HeLLO !!!
It is winter .. I want a sweater
with long sleeves.
I do not want snowmen , reindeer's or
Christmas trees that light up.

What the hell is going on!!
After 3 stores today ,
I refuse to buy those ridiculous
pieces of crap.
I am NOT 6 years old
I want a warm comfortable sweater that
I can wear with a skirt or jeans!!
NO lights, no sparkles, long sleeves and
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
1st Day of School

( This is my lunch bag from Maa & Pa)
I learned later that Mom had put one of my trains in my bag
in case I had a mini melt down or just needed something
from home. Good Idea MOM !!!
. . . . . . . . .
Yes, That is me

My teacher is nice and she helps me
with things I am not sure about .
And I am not sure about this nap stuff I
heard them talking about
Dad, I got it ..
Dad, I got it ..
I'll see you and Mom at 2pm SHARP !!!
Don't be late okay
She says that Maa & Pa want to see my school
to leave. I have things to learn
and new friends to meet
Last one
Buh Bye
See you guys at 2pm SHARP !!!