As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Walking down memory lane.

(Thanks to Bob for catching the typo)
This will take a while because I have to try to put them in order..
Doing ironing for neighbors
Cashier at the Wallace Movie Theater ( age12)
Milkshake maker at a local ice cream stand
Babysitter- again
Day camp counselor
Sales clerk at Dressels Bakery-- YUM
Production Line worker at Bridgeport bakery - YUK
Waitress- fast money
Cocktail waitress
File Clerk- boring
Switchboard operator- yes, for Ma Bell
Bank Teller-picky picky picky- no nail polish - no big hair - no mini skirts
Receptionist at Bette Pauls Careers for Women
Receptionist /Jr. Secy for XXth Century
Desk Clerk at a motel- aaarrrgghhh
Receptionist - Pitney Bowes- d u l l
Elevator Operator for Goldblatts downtown Chicago- wheeeeeee
Now remember a lot of these were thru a temporary agency
and lasted from one day to one month
Go Go Dancer- yes on a stage - in a cage
Receptionist - Merrill Lynch
Order Picker at Gossard Artemis
Accounting Clerk - Sears @Sears Tower
Inventory Clerk-- KILL me - but never make me do this again !!!
Catering (set up , serving - whatever)for different catering companies
Bartender- over and over again
Security for various public events
Food & Beverage Manager at a country club
Waitress again & again
Receptionist and optometric assistant
Restaurant Management- again & again
Payroll clerk for a carpeting company
Mail Room Clerk for Tri State G & T
Sold AVON and Pleasure Chest and even Mary Kay for a short time
Admin. Assistant for a Trucking Company
Owner of a clothing consignment shop
Cruise Consultant
Cashier at the Little Rock Zoo
I'm not doing to good at keeping them in order--
to many repeat jobs-- and yes some of them I worked at 3- 4- 5 times...
Who the hell knows why they kept taking me back???.
I'll work on this again later

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

For Serena

The antiseptic baby and the prophylactic pup
Were playing in the garden when the Bunny gamboled up;
They looked upon the Creature with a loathing undisguised;--
It wasn't Disinfected and it Wasn't Sterilized.

They said it was a Microbe and a Hotbed of Disease;
They steamed it in a vapor of a thousand-odd degrees;
They froze it in a freezer that was cold as Banished Hope
And washed in permanganate with carbolated soap.

In sulphurated hydrogen they steeped its wiggly ears;
They trimmed its frisky whiskers with a pair of hard-boiled shears;
They donned their rubber mittens and they took it by the hand
And 'lected it a member of the Fumigated Band.

There's not a Micrococcus in the garden where they play;
They bathe in pure iodoform a dozen times a day;
And each imbibes his rations from a Hygienic Cup--
The Bunny and the Baby and the Prophylactic Pup.
Serena loved to have Grandma Hon recite this poem for her ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Middle of August ......

August 17,2005
The trip home from Chicago was uneventful
Why are you still reading -- didn't I say it was uneventful???
You are not going to let me off that easy are you......

Arrived Chicago Friday night-- earlier that morning we dropped the fur babies off at puppy spa. We don't tell them it is a boarding kennel-- wouldn't want to ruin the time away from
home for them .
Get to Jenny's house-- and she's not home -hmmm
so we go to Korey & Paula's - our home away from home, and they have dinner waiting for us.. YUM pork chops and other goodies. Then Serena calls and she is at ORD. By this time Jenny and the kids have showed up at Korey's- so she offers to go get Serena. She did not realize that Serena cannot pass a PORTILLOS without stopping. So an hour later we get a phone call wanting to know what we want from Portillos.. Of course we cannot refuse....
So we eat AGAIN-- the feeding frenzy has started ...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New Treasure

I mentioned a "new treasure" a few posts ago..
Well here it is !!!
OMG !! I have started collecting yard ornaments --
We just needed something for in the front yard until we can get some trees planted and have some flowers growing..
I did not have it painted because I need to find a pagoda that
looks like this one - so I can get the RIGHT colors.

Friday, August 05, 2005

OMG-- Spent the day grocery shopping, plus picked up a new shirt & tie for Tom to wear to Josh's wedding next week. So that meant a trip to the mall.. Get home -- a-- wait-- forgot-- stopped at a lawn & garden place - in between all of the other projects-- but that is another story and picture for later. Tom gets home and we go to the lawn and garden place to aquire my new treasure. get home- call a friend to come over and help Tom carry new found treasure.

Then we have dinner-- YUM -- t-bones -excellent. (It is now 7pm)

The phone rings - SURPRISE- A friend of a friend needs help- abusive fiance' - she has to move NOW !!! So off we go--Not a problem.. No big stuff- no fridge , sofa etc etc . Get her settled
and then come home.. Tom takes the dogs for their walk and then off to bed for him.. Needless to say I am out of AMBIEN.. So I watch tv- read a little ,play a couple of games of canasta on the computer , then I go to bed. Twist turn flip flop , punch pillow , throw pillows on floor, pick them up off the floor, get up go pee, flip flop-- you get the idea. finally I get to that never never land that you visit just before sleep and

SCREECH,SCREECH,SCREECH the freaking smoke alarm go off. we are both up.. After about 10 min. we decide it is a ?? ghost, error,???who know, back to bed- it is now 2:30am
Deja vu.
Twist turn flip flop , punch pillow , throw pillows on floor, pick them up off the floor, flip flop-- you get the idea. finally I get to that never never land that you visit just before sleep and SCREECH,SCREECH,SCREECH the freaking smoke alarm go off AGAIN !!! Tom gets up, resets all of the smoke alarms , lets the dogs out and then comes back to bed it is now 3:45am.Twist turn flip flop , punch pillow , throw pillows on floor, pick them up off the floor, flip flop-- you get the idea. Finally I get to sleep- sort of .
So today I am tired , crabby and have a doctors appointment. So don't push your luck and give me any sob story of any kind today.

When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me "She's so charming".
I want them to say "Be careful, I think she's armed."