As Time Goes By.....
A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..
Friday, October 31, 2008
I am so ready to go to Chicago and see family
and friends. It feels like a lifetime since I have
been home for a happy reason.
I can't wait to renew my oldest friendship.
Our kids grew up together and we have
shared a lifetime .
I realize that we won't actually be in CHICAGO,
but I am hoping to take a trip back to the
"old neighborhood". Just for fun and
memories. I want to see the house where I
grew up and Serena wants to see her old school
and I just want to "be there" for a while.
The main reason for the trip is for Michael & Sherri's
wedding . We are really looking forward to
this and wish them an
eternity of love, laughter and hapiness.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's official.. I am behind the wheel again!!
Today I drove Serena & Jack to the airport.
Not trip that I enjoyed , but it did let
me try out my driving skills again.
Getting in and out of "Fluffy" is not
accomplished without the stairs that
Tom built for me after my surgery.
I can leave the house and I can go to any
drive thru that I want to ..
Drug Store
Liquor Store
Fast Food.
What else would a woman need ??
Monday, October 20, 2008
All of my life..
Hey, It's me JACK
Yep, we went to the Punpkin Patch again. You
know I been going there all my life .

I am a lot bigger this year

He thinks kids fingers are worms and will
try to bite them in half !!!!
I'm not touching him-- you touch him !!!
I think I'll just take a walk over this
bridge and go see the sunflowers.
( last year they wouldn't let me do this by myself )

out here right in the middle of the woods!!
Somebody really knows what kids like ...
That's it for now ..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Incredible Dash
Jack as Dash from the Incredibles movie ...

And he runs almost as fast as "Dash"
Jack has learned he must say
"Trick or Treat" ,
Hold out the bag
and then say "Thank You "
after he receives
his candy.
Hopefully he will not pull a Serena.
When people would put candy in the bag
she would look at in and voice her opinion..Either
Yum, good stuff or I NO LIKE IT !!!
Just a reminder-- Jack DOES NOT eat
candy or cake and just in the past couple of months
will on occasion eat an Oreo.
It is Jack choice to not eat sweets
I hope Serena & John wear their running shoes
Halloween night !!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
just wanted to let the rest of the world know that
after 25 years , I am hoping for another 25 with
the man I love.
He has been here for me during the good and the
bad and the UNHEALTHY, and he is
still here.
I am truly the luckiest
woman alive.
Tom has been my rock thru a lot of the rough spots
including my accident, my surgeries, my family
and so much more.
All I can say to him is
"Watu, more than you will ever know "
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Since Tom does not like birthday parties ,
he did not get one this year
BUT, on Sept 27th ( not his b-day)
we had a happy
2600 Saturday party
(Serena's idea, the 2600 Saturdays)
Food was abundant !!
So was beer and wine
and some of the wine
was homemade... YUM !!!
After conversation and lots of food and
Rice Crispie treat cake we
move to the garage and the great dart
tournament was on.
Jack and Ralphie loved being able to run up
and down the driveway. Tom set up the sawhorses,
that way the boys knew where to STOP !!
The boys also had a chance to try their hand a
throwing darts.
I don't have pictures yet, Serena will be
sending them to me in the next few days
and I wil post them for all to see.