As Time Goes By.....
A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..
Saturday, April 29, 2006
To my Dear Friend Sheri,
I know this is a very difficult time for you.. Your emotions must be running amok.
Just know that I am here if you need to talk, rant, rave, bitch or cry.
Just know that karma really is a wonderful thing
and you eventually will be repaid for all of the insanity that
you have had to deal with. Thank God that you
did not inherit the "mean gene" from your father,
and I know you will not pass it on to your children.
Just remember- Money is NOT everything,
it really helps-- But it is NOT everything .
Peace of mind is worth more
than any bank account .
We love you ..
Monsoon Season in Arkansas
Yep, here we go again. 2 weeks ago it was 90 degrees and we had the air conditioner on . Today I am wearing sweats and heavy sox .
The poor dogs must wade "the lake" before they make it to the dump ground ..
Of course there is nothing on TV today and it is to damn wet to do anything. I am in a lot of pain today and trying to NOT take any pain killers until later today. I only have a few left and no possibility of a refill. Stupid doctors should have to live in my body just one rainy crappy day. Maybe then they would give me a refill. My last refill was over a year ago. WHATEVER..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
April 24,2006 - 3 months
Look at him laugh in the face of the doctor & nurses !!!!

Jack went to the doctor today--
Well actually Serena drove and he went along
for the ride .
The latest update on Jack is :
weight: 16 pounds 02 ounces
height: 24 1/2"
He had a check up and a shot. He is
right on course. Serena said he was good
until they stuck the huge monsterous harpoon
in his tiny tiny leg.
Our poor baby Jack .....
But as usual his Mom knew how to calm him down instantly !
She is such a good Mom...and we are very proud of her ,
and John too..
April 24.2006
Last night was a strange one ..
Last night was a strange one ..
Dreamed that Teresa & Marty were on a plane with
me and Tom..
me and Tom..
Marty kept bitching because he could not smoke,
he was being crowded,the food was lousy, the plane
was dirty,why the hell did he have to go on this
trip and on & on & on.
he was being crowded,the food was lousy, the plane
was dirty,why the hell did he have to go on this
trip and on & on & on.
The pilot set us down in some podunk airport and told Marty
that he could not change things and to shut the hell up.
He( the pilot) also told us that somebody had to be in
control and we should make a decision soon.
And we took off again.
Then I woke up..
Can somebody explain this dream to me ????
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Happy Birthday MARC !!
(my nephew/God Son)
I tried to call - but you were out .. I can't imagine
that you would be out drinking and doing whatever..
I mean you cannot be over 21
It is impossible , because if you are over 21 that
would make me ......over.....
over the hill
Hope you had a fabulous day !!
Love ya lots !!
Monday, April 17, 2006
April 17

I just wanted to post a couple of pictures from Jack's 1st
visit to Grandma & Grandpa's house.
He has been quite the star.
He has met many many new people, lots of new relatives and
has received even MORE gifts from friends of
Grandma & Grandpa!!
Grandma & Grandpa!!
We have had so much company- that tonight Mom & Dad are sitting
in the hot tub, Grandpa is sleeping , and Karin & Nina are here to. They are going to sleep here too !!
Jack got to sit in his swing and he also has the pleasure of
having a ceiling fan in EVERY ROOM !! He is fascinated
by them...
More pictures tomorrow
Monday, April 10, 2006
Now for the drama......
After a day of fun riding we go back to Jerry & Cheryl's for a little lunch and to relax a little before loading the 4 wheelers and heading home .. Jerry fires up the grill and the girls (me & Chryl) head for the house .. Not to interested in "GUY TALK"

I notice a little rain coming down and am glad we are back at the house and not out on the trail.
The rain gets a little stronger and the wind picks up -- no big deal.
Then I asked Chryl if she heard the "ping ping"??
Then I asked Chryl if she heard the "ping ping"??
The rain then begins to look a little "thick", but the hail is
soft and pea sized. No big deal.
soft and pea sized. No big deal.
The guys were still outside.
The rain gets harder and the wind gets ugly and the hail gets bigger.
Now it is the size of golf balls and very hard.
They guys move out of the garage because when the hail would hit the garage floor it would shatter like a Corel plate on a tile floor.
The guys move to the covered porch, beers in hand and there they stand.
That does not last long-- they move inside with us
I am a little worried , Fluffy is outside and I am afraid to
see what has happened to her .
see what has happened to her .
(For the uneducated- Fluffy is my truck)
Now the rain is heavy, the wind is howling and the hail is now the size of freakin' tennis balls!!!!
This storm has lasted forever
( really about 25 min from beginning to end)
( really about 25 min from beginning to end)
When the storm is over - we are all in awe !!
Awww damn-
look what it did to my truck, shop windows, 4 wheeler truck,
take your pick.
take your pick.
I am waiting for Chryl to send the pictures she took. My camera
was dead by the time this was over, so these pictures were taken
after we got back home.
was dead by the time this was over, so these pictures were taken
after we got back home.
The ride home was a real comedy..
Water leaking in the top and we felt like we were riding
in a"good & plenty" box
in a"good & plenty" box
"Rattle rattle shift slide shift rattle rattle"
Anybody remember the Good & Plenty jingle??

Monday, April 03, 2006
April 2nd
What a week -- It started out with a great 4 wheeler ride at Jerry & Chryl's place.
Pretty place to ride with a lot of trials

great hills to climb and it was a perfect day !!

More happy trail riders ...
We had a great time --- Then went back the Jerry & Chryl's
for brots & ribs and ....
Ahh time up-- story and pictures will continue tomorrow ...
or later today