As Time Goes By.....
A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..
Friday, February 27, 2009
I got home from Texas on Wednesday, and have spent
most of my time trying to learn all of the new stuff
on our new computer.
* * *
This thing is F A S T !!!!
* * *
No more waiting forever for things to load.
Now I need to learn the new photo programs.
Once I master that, I can post photos
from my last visit.
In the mean time let me tell you about a few things
that we have learned this week.
We all know that Jack is a picky ,picky eater .
But we have now discovered that he must be part
goat, because yesterday he ate a
foam earplug.
He was playing with the ear plugs and a
little later Serena asked him where the other plug was.
Jack replied
He won't eat fruit or vegetables - but he will eat FOAM
* * * *
Have no fear ... it passed with
flying colors ..
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Urine Test
My friend Sheri sent this to me ,
so I thought I'd share it with you.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(Whoever wrote this one deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work,
they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes
my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am
required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem.
* * * * *
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my
taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because
I have to pass one to earn it forthem?
* * * *
Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back
on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with
helping someone sitting on their ASS,
doing drugs, while I work. . . .
* * * *
Can you imagine how much money the state would
save if people had to pass a urine test to get
a public assistance check?
* * * *
Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.
Hope you all will pass it along, though . . .
Something has to change in this country -- and soon!!!!!
Guess we could title that program,
* * *
'Urine or You're Out'.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Misc Info
This will be a place for me to post Misc Info
that we might use in the future.
This website will show a list of people or places
that have boxes that are yours free
if you will go pick them up.
if you have moved and need to get rid
of the boxes , list them here
* * * * $ * * * *
Geting Married ???
Here are some things that you should
NOT DO !!!
Plan on spending at least on hour here.
Once you start you just have to keep
going ... O M G !!!

Yes, these are bridesmaid dresses
The mother of all wedding cakes --- N O T !!!!!

^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ *
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Jack's newest
Well our boy is learning to use the system,
well okay , he is learning to use what he has available .
Like Mom's love of watching CNN.
A couple of evenings ago , his movie was
over and he immediatley said
"I don't wanna gotta go to bed,
Maybe we could watch the news"
Ah yes, he is learing to fast...
Doing A Joshua
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Those of you that know Joshua
will understand..
Jack was doing a Joshua , in the front window.
* * * *
If you don't know Josh, just ask me about it
the next time we talk.
* * * * * *
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Feb 8,2009
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Beth
Happy Birthday tooooo yoooouuuu
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Valentines Day advice for men
Let me give you men a little advice.
Don't show up wearing nothing but a trench coat and
expect a woman to be thrilled.
(No, Tom does not own a trench coat)
Valentines day is about "ROMANCE".
Close your eyes, picture yourself naked, hairy and
underinflated.. Does that say ROMANCE??
I don't think so ..
ROMANCE is not sex,
when you learn the difference that means
you have finally turned into a man.
On Valentines Day , do something for the lady
in your life. Buy her a copy of her favorite book or movie.
Make dinner and clean up the mess, send her to a
day spa for the works.. Some ladies like flowers , send them
to her at work. That way all of her co-workers and friends
will know that somebody thinks she is wonderful.
Short on money ???
Wash her car or tape a note to her favorite
candy bar , the note should tell her how much she
means to you and NOT include a naked picture
of yourself.
Are you getting the picture ???
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Happy Birthday
Welcome to my BIRTHDAY PARTY !!!
My birthday is really the 24th - but we had the party today
so my Dad could be here and not be out piloting.
Me and my Pa blew up ALL of
these balloons with the
air compressor.

* * * * *
This is sooo much fun

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Me and my Maa were relaxing in the yard and waiting for
my friends to get here..
( I was not feeling great- I have a cold)

Look what Maa & Pa got for me ..




My Mom made this Thomas the Train

cake for me .. Too bad I don't eat cake.
BUt everbody really liked it , They ate ALL of it !!

Opening my gifts was a lot of fun
Opening my gifts was a lot of fun
and I got a lot of really neat stuff!!
Thank You Everybody !!
Risa was silly playing pin the #1 on Thomas.
They kept spinning her around and made
her really dizzy.
I did not like that game -- People kept
touching MY Thomas
very happy.
Maybe we can do it again next year ???