As Time Goes By.....

A little bit about EVERYTHING.. Family , friends , life, death,rants and raves. Just a place for me to get it all out of my system..

Location: Arkansas, United States

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nothing can be as exciting as Arkansas in Spring ..
The yard sale signs are in full bloom and the grass is

getting greener so it makes it easier to spot
the BEAUTY of Arkansas the Natural State ..

* * * *

You are missing the beer boxes blowing , the Arkansas State
Kites flying ( wal-mart bags), and the rest of the crap rolling

around in the wind ..

* * * *

Did I ever tell you that wind sets me off
as much as rain ??
Well it fu**ing does .

* * * * *

AR has spent a bazillions $$$ on "no littering" signs that
tell you what the penalty will be for littering ..
To bad they have NEVER enforced the littering laws even ONCE !!!!

BTW -- the beer boxes are from the good Bible Bangers that don't
want their neighbors or garbage men to know they drink --
so they throw the boxes , cans and bottles out along the side of the road..

* * * * * *
I think my next road trip will involve a complete set of
road side trash and other eyesores of America photos.
* * * *
Hmm,, wonder if I could publish a calendar
of the eyesores( front yard, houses with washers and
stained mattresses on the front porch type
of photos without being sued??
Any lawyers out there that can answer this one ???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It is starting off to be a very good day.

* * * * * *

Sheri called to check on me since I was having such a crappy
night last night . What a great friend she is ..

* * * *

Then Serena called , talking about Jack's school
pictures.. I can't wait to see them !!!

* * * * *

Then I called Bec-- her surgery went well,
and she is in good spirits.. She might even get to come
home today .It was good to hear her voice and to hear
her laughing again.

* * * *

I have spent part of the morning looking around ebay
and have decided to now take my business (shopping)
They are not killing sellers with a fee for everything .. I think
Ebay has gotten way to full of themselves.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Well I stalled as long as I can - now I need to do some laundry
and then check and see if the dust on the furniture is deep enough
to sculpt a diorama of the Grand Canyon.

* * * *
And now for your viewing pleasure
A rat on a half shell hand made basket


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just killing time

It's raining my body is aching and I am waiting for
the meds to kick in.
* *
Let me tell you-- getting old is not for sissies.
You better have a tolerance for pain and
hope you never get arthritis
* *
Looks like Serena & Jack will not make it here for the weekend .
Spring break loads up the flights and makes it
impossible for them to get into Little Rock.
* * *
The good news is , they will be here for Easter .
* *
My dear friend Bec had surgery today.
I received an update and she is resting ,
I'm not saying comfortably, but she is resting.
So I need for all of you to say a prayer, howl at the
moon or run naked in the rain for her to have
a speedy recovery.
Wish I could be there to comfort her , but that
will not happen . She is in Colorado.
If I was closer , I would be there to hold her hand ,
be a shoulder for her to cry on and to laugh at her
when she gets goofy from the meds.
* * * * *
Love ya BEC
Feel Better Soon !!!!
* * * * *

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No Survivor

They have canceled SURVIVOR to show
damned college basketball.
* *
* *
Those morons should be reading a book
instead of taking up tv air time .
Or they could show the stupid basketball game on a network
that has crappy programming ..
Pre-empt UGLY BETTY or some other
show ..
Now what the hell am I supposed to do??
I finished reading my book this afternoon
so now I don't have anything to read
and nothing worth watching on TV ,
as usual

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Received this from a friend and thought
I would share it with the Americans
Are You American???

If this wasn't so true, it might be funnier...This joke was nominated
for best joke of the year.
A Russian arrives in New York City as a new immigrant
to the United States .
* * *
He stops the first person he sees walking down the
street andsays, "Thank you Mr. American for
letting me into thiscountry, giving me housing,
food stamps, free medical care, and a free education!"
The passerby says, "You are mistaken, I am a Mexican."
. . .
The man goes on and encounters another passerby.
"Thank you for having such a beautiful country
here in America "
The person says, "I not American, I Vietnamese."
* * * *
The new arrival walks farther, and the next person he
sees he stops, shakes his hand, and says, "Thank
you for wonderful America !" That person
puts up his hand and says,
"I am from Middle East . I am not American."
* * * * *
He finally sees a nice lady and asks, "Are you
an American?"
She says, "No, I am from Africa ."
Puzzled, he asks her, "Where are all the Americans?"
* * * *
The African lady checks her watch and says,
"Probably at work."
* * * * *

Monday, March 16, 2009

Here are some of the treasure we found at the crystal digging place
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
Next time we want to do the $100 unsearched pile
and come home with some BIG crystals.
So if you are feeling the urge to dig ,
Bring $50 bucks and we will dig side by side
and then split the findings.
* * * * * *

Of course Tom will be there to help,
because sometimes you find some HUGE treasures.
I did not clean these two because I like the way it looks
with the natural minerals on it .

<> <> <> <> <> <>


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

40 Things

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while
you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
* * *
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
* * *
3. Buy a DVR and tape your late night shows and get more sleep.
* * * * *
4. When you wake up in the morning complete
the following statement, My purpose is to __________ today.
* * * *
5. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
* * * * *
6. Play more games and read more books than you did in 2008.
* * * *
7. Make time to practice meditation, and prayer.
They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
** * *
8. Spend time with people over the age of 70
and under the age of 6.
* * * *
9. Dream more while you are awake.
* * * * * * * * *
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and
plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries,
wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds and walnuts.
* * * *
12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
* * *
13. Clear clutter from your house, your car,
your desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.
14. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip,
OR issues of the past, negative thoughts
or things you cannot control. Instead invest your
energy in the positive present moment.
* * * * *
15. Realize that life is a school and you are here
to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that
appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you
learn will last a lifetime.
16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and
dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the
" " " " " " "
18. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
* * * * * * *
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
* * * *
22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
* * * * *
23. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words:
In five years, will this matter?
* * * * * *
26. Forgive everyone for everything.
27. What other people think of you is none of your business.
* * * *
28. REMEMBER GOD heals everything.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
29. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
* * * * * *
30. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.
Your friends will. Stay in touch.
* * * * * * * *
31. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
* * * *
33. The best is yet to come.
* * * * * * * *
34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
35. Do the right thing!
36. Call your friends often. (Or email them to death!!!)
- - - - - - - - - - -
37. Each night before you go to bed complete the
following statements: I am thankful for __________.
Today I accomplished _________. Thank you Lord for all
my blessings you've given me!
* * * * * * * * *
38. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
39. Enjoy the ride. Remember this is not Disney World and
you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one
ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
* * * * * * *
40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Last trip to Texas

I am FINALLY starting to learn where my pictures
are hiding on my new computer.
* * *
When all else fails --
Read the destructions !!!

It was cool this day , but it is NEVER to

cool to go to the park and play on the slides

That's right -- my park has 2 slides !!!

* * * *

Plus, I can now climb the chain ladder
to get up to the top of the walkway that goes to the slides

* * * * *
Later that night
* * * * *

It was cold -- so Mom built a fire so me and Maa

could warm our backs

And our fronts !!!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

For John

Happy Birthday John !!!!

I slaved over a hot computer to get this cake for you ..
Happy Birthday
Linda & Tom
& Foster & Smokey & Buddy

For Nick !!!

Happy Birthday Nick...
* * * *
I can't afford to send you on a cruise
so I am sending this lovely cake to you ..
ENJOY !!!!(Pretend I made this- it will make my day )

Monday, March 02, 2009


Happy Birthday Ian
Pretend I baked this cake for you .
Aunt Linda & Uncle Tom